sedih laaa camni..
busy sampai xsempat nk exercise
xsempat nak tgk muka kt cermin
xsempat nak floss gigi n minum susu tiap2 malam
xsempat nak tgk muvie
xsempat nak tdo awal n bgn lambat tiap2 hari
sumpah benci nak mati
saya xsuka, xsuka, xsuka, xsukaaaaa EXAM!
why they must do this to us?
why we need to know ALL THINGS?
WE'RE HUMAN, like seriously.
komputer pon boleh jammed kot bila install byk sgt mnde kt dlm dia
well, apatah lg manusia kann
why they force us to have everything on our little brain?????
why they blame us when we dont know the answer :((
oh GOD, please help me to pass through this journey successfully
please help me to become a good dentist
pleaseeeee T__T
im too tired to be true
amal saya kmpom boleh!!! be strong honey!! miss u! u can! fighting!!!! <3
thankyou tqahhhhhh! t'bayar rase penat aku. wawawa. ily! <3
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