im busy like hell yeah people. pro is getting nearer and of course im not ready yet.

yg kaler biru ala2 wave dgn burung2 tu is my column! it shows how many notes dat i need to prepared for this study grup. nmpk cam xbyk kan, well its quite a lot people. and it costs me exhaustion every time i need to do it.
actually this is my first time involved in study grup. well sebelum ni aku lagi suka belajar sorg2, sebab konon2 nya lagi focus laa kn. tp sambil blaja laptop kt depan, henfon kt depan, mmg x jalan laa stadi aku ni. wuuu.
at least bila aku masuk stadi grup ni, aku mcm kne force utk blaja n built in responsibilty nk blaja sungguh2 subject yg aku kne present kt kawan2 aku, so dat bila drg tanya aku soalan pelik2, boleh laa aku jwb dgn jaya nya.
oh, haritu aku ada buat study grup dgn budak2 kelas aku n 1 of my fren ada rakam. sape nk blaja dgn aku, boleh laa tgk video ni. wawawa. ni nk dkat last2 pon, so mcm nonsense sikit aku ckp. huhu
im super super triple busy right now, dgn study n my yearbook commitment. ok speaking of yearbook, aku xsiap lg kje,which dat kje dah lepas da pon date due dia. tp sbb dr.anis memahami aku *ecehh*, so dia bg aku xtra masa smpai diz fri. wuu.
sedih laa skrg. bz sgt smpai x sempat nk exercise, so bdn pon jadi stres.
wuu, ok lahh bye! nk sambung buat kje. n pray for me people! :)
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