Monday, August 29, 2011

raya dtg lagi


my handwriting :)
cuma kaler ijau ketupat tu guna photoshop
n dot merah tu xde motif tambah dekat huruf 'a' tu
bcos i think mcm dull sgt ketupat je ada kaler so i rasa if ada kaler merah would b nice
tp errr..entah.pelik pulak jadi. tapi biar laa. buruk2 pon tanak remove jugak kaler merah tu. hihi


ikhlas dari:

Sunday, August 28, 2011

the APDSA thingy


mula2 aku rasa memang malas gilaaaa nak cerita pasal APDSA. seronok nya pergi sana biar aku je yang simpan rasa tu. tapi bila fikir2 kan balik, apa motif utama aku sebenarnya waktu aku mula2 terdetik nak buat blog? yess, to record every pathway yang aku lalui sepanjang aku bergelar dental student, sebelum aku mula kerja n kahwin n have no more time for this *yoyo je xde masa. padahal ramai je dr aku ada personal blog. hihi* sebab tu URL blog ni "legendaryjourney" haha, hodoh betul nama URL. tapi biar laa, malas nak tukar yang lain. n nampak nya motif aku nak buat blog ni x tercapai langsung. entah mana pergi journey aku, yang penuh nya entry merepek2 je. hihi *yaa ampunnnn pak

lagipon, takat mana je laa kemampuan manusia nak ingat semua benda kan. so here I am, menulis post #tentangAPDSA

for those yang tak tahu any single thing apa itu APDSA, it is a shortform for Asia Pacific Dental Students Association. dah nama nya pon Asia pacific so negara negara yang terlibat adalah Malaysia (clap2) Indonesia,Taiwan, Hongkong, South Korea, Japan, Thailand (tuan rumah), Philippines, Singapore, Laos, Fiji, Australia, New Zealand n mane entah lagi. xtahu sbb negara yang lain hantar participants sikit sgt. negara yang paling byk hantar participants (aku rasa laa) Indonesia dengan Taiwan. sbb dalam each group tu, wajib ada paling kurang pon 3 org dari Indonesia and 3 org Taiwan. congress ni memang di adakan setiap tahun. yang aku pergi ni da kali ke-38 dah. ada sorg dr bg speech mlm opening ceremony tu, dia siap jumpa jodoh lagi time APDSA. aku xtau dia dari negara mana, tapi dia kahwin dgn participant dari Jepun. see the effect of this APDSA? *jangan harap laa aku nak jumpa jodoh dekat APDSA, aku rasa muslim yang pergi err x sampai 5% pon kot? (mengikut ratio yang aku buat ikut group, muslim xsampai 2% pon. lagi sedih tsk3) tapi if nak flirt2 bole laa :p *pangg

gambar selingan xde kena mengena dgn cerita APDSA. but i just loveeee this picture.
and i love every single faces in this photo because we're family <3

last year, my senior pergi APDSA dekat Japan, n bila tgk gambar2 drg post dkt facebook, i was like "waaa best nye best nye APDSA. i definitely MUST go to the next APDSA!"  
bila individu2 yang berkenaan tanya siapa yang berminat nak pergi APDSA Thailand, cepat2 bagi nama sebab kuota nak pergi Thailand ni limited. xmacam dulu2, siapa yang berduit nak pergi bole pergi. then drg kata my batch yang bole pergi 2 org aje!! so aku cepat2 bagi nama dulu without tanya permissions parents. tapi aku tau my parents mmg kasik pergi punya..hua2
*later they open up the quota 6org from my batch bole pergi

okay laa straight to the point, this is how APDSA Thailand went according to my story.


di pendekkan cerita..we arrived at Rama Gardens Hotel   around 12pm camtu.  first day xde ape sgt, just  opening ceremony which will held at 5.30pm. so we've plenty of time to unpacked things, menziarah bilik budak2 lain sambil bergosip, n sempat lagi tdo before bersiap2 utk opening ceremony.

cewek2 Thailand yg cun2 belaka. serius semua org Thailand cantik2, kurus2, putih2. jeles gilaa dong

APDSA! i just love their spirits in welcoming us

countries' flag that joined this APDSA congress

the grand ballroom entrance. 

ahh..mata x pandang camera. spoil2. the gemok one is me, with beautiful zara

amek gamba dgn perempuan cantik. *apesal semua orang tinggi2 ni??

aliff ikram. in the grand ballroom. ktrg sampai awal okayh. see meja kosong lagi. drg ni semua janji thailand je start 5.30. ciss

with my grupmate yg dtg awal. hehe. masa free ni ktrg kenal2 between each other. oh, drg sgt friendly! *aku posing menunjukkan double chin =.='

mc for that night. carl (my grupmate from south korea) says that this is longest opening ceremony he'd attend (yeahh..pretty much performances that night sampai xlarat nak tgk org menari2 dah. baik makan lagi best hihi)

satu-satu nya tarian yang aku suka! from all those traditional dancing..these dancers perform J-lo on the floor song. really enjoyed this :)

another traditional performance. seriously, lebih dari 5 performances kot malam tu =.='

paling pendek. duhh

beloved group 7. truly missing them..deadly~

me and Kevin (from Taiwan) i immediately like him at the first time we having conversation :)

group 7 members. introducing (back, from left) 
Alvin (Hong Kong)
Masa (Japan)
Adint (Indonesia)
Indri (Indonesia)
Melly (Indonesia)
Nunt (Thailand)
Best (Thailand) - my group leader :)
Tony (Taiwan)
Kevin (Taiwan)
Carl (South Korea)

(front, from left)
Peng (Malaysia)
Krista (Taiwan)
Christy (Indonesia)
Amalina (Malaysia)
Teru (Japan)

day 2, 3, and 4 next entry (kalau rajin)

till then.

Friday, August 26, 2011

between Iphone, Blackberry and Android users

*baca dari kiri ke kanan, atas ke bawah.

haha..aku rasa blog aku ni makin lama makin merepek. but this comic sounds cool and pretty right too. yeah.

sbb aku ni ada lah pengguna blogger dan bukannya tumblr, so aku akan describe gambau2 di atas mengikut wording aku.


how she sees herself : auwwww im the hottie babehh. i've dat celebrities look. owyeahh
how she's seen by blackberry users: euwww she is like a baby just playing with her first phone
how she's seen by android users: " har har" duhh she's obsesses with those apple thingy


how he sees himself: i am smarter than all those other stupid smartphone users. brilliant is me!!
how he's seen by Iphone users: euwhh what a dorky he is
how he's seen by blackberry users : look..he is just an unprofessional schlub trying to look smart


how he sees himself: I look like a professional lawyer and a busy business man. don't you dare to look down at me
how he's seen by Iphone users: urghh..what an old man-you-good-at-nothing-except-tiredness look you have
how he's seen by android users: waarghh...dinasourrrr!!! *ni aku xpaham. haha. android users please explain!

and this is how smartphone users see 2G users

haha..just joking. jgn ada sape2 terasa offended pulak okay. screw all those stupid smartphones and vote for Nokia and Sony E!! :p

okay bye2 all those egois smartphones users and timid 2G users :p




sape yang baru baca xsampai 3 ayat dah stop n start baca tajuk in each picture je instead of the whole paragraph?


aku upload pic ni pon bukan nak bagtau all those fact #whocares duhhh tapi sebab aku tertanya- tanya tang mana nya yang fascinating fact tu? =.='

btw, gambar ni cantik!
at least they score one point :p

tapi aku setuju dgn one of those fact dekat atas ni which is


seriously dari zaman sekolah waktu first time aku belajar menda ni i was like
"eyy my tongue ni ada problem ke why i cant differentiate tastes based on its zone??"

dulu aku kecik2 x reti nak makan ubat pil.then my fren kata letak dekat lidah bahagian depan sbb kat situ sweet zone so xde rasa pahit. i try then jerit "tipuuuuuuuuuuuu apesal pahit jugaaaakkk"

kesian budak2 kena tipu dgn zone bagai2 ni lepastu kena hafal which i found out those zones susah gila kot aku nak hafal dulu2 sbb asyik tertukar je sweet dgn bitter, salty and sour n etc.
maybe sebab otak aku dah bagi signal "ni fakta tipu..jangan hafal!!"

duhh. mmg x laa. dah dasar malas nak menghafal mengaku je laaa

and nampaknya aku ni bukan omong kosong aja dehh. aku dah buat bebrapa research n hasilnya memberangsangkan. so korang bole percaya dengan kata- kata aku ni. ececeyy

ok bai cau cin cauuu


Thursday, August 11, 2011

weekend with theatre


Sape penah tgk pementasan teater?? *kejakunan*

ohh ok

ye laa..aku sorg je laa yg tak pernah tgk. loser sungguh.

n when my fren (u know who u are :p) asked me if i want to watch the theatre, which is budak2 utp yg berlakon (happen to be her fren was the director..whoaaa) i was supeeeeeeer excited maka aku pon angguk laju2 tanpa berfikir panjang lagi. tiket rm10 je kot nak tgk teatre ni! which make me nod my head super laju. owyeaahh.

n the day has come! yeaaa..excited2. bangun awal pagi ni nak datang KL. the theatre were held at taman budaya which is jalan kaki dari pasar seni je dah bole sampai :)

the theatre:
melody of mimes dan teater mahkamah lorong
17 july 2011 (okayy da sebulan baru nak gebang2 cerita)

macam aku cakap tadi, theatre ni di kendali kan oleh budak2 UTP under kumpulan Tronoh Theatre Shop (TTS). drg ni mmg aktif buat lakonan under arahan Prof Madya Dr Shamsul Rahman atau lebih di kenali dgn Dr Shark. selain dari teater yg aku tgk ni, byk lagi da teater lain yg drg pernah perform n drg selalu jugak keluar paper.

oh, boleh jugak pegi dekat official website drg:

muka budak2 excited 1st time tgk teater. tsk3

sinopsis cerita ni (based on my own words):

basically cerita ni pasal kehidupan menatang2 yang hidup dekat lorong sam pah tong (read: tong sampah). macam2 laa perangai watak dalam cerita ni. ada si kucing kurap dan gagak (konon2 drg ni kotor la) ada crush dgn si parsi which is mmg high standard gilaa laa nak compared dgn kutu jalanan si kurap n si gagak. penduduk2 lain dekat lorong tu jugak ada mak ayam dgn pak lebai (kambing)

si kurap dgn mak ayam. mak ayam ni memang BETUL2 MAK AYAM WOII!
*if sape2 xpaham or buat2 x paham, mak ayam = supplier prostitutes. n si parsi adalah one of prostitute yg paling high grade
oh aku suka gila tgk mak ayam ni berlakon, sbb suara dia mmg sungguh mak ayam n gaya dia mengepak2 wing n menonggeng itu adalah awesome. (penat woi nak buat mcm ni sejam lebih, nak patah jugak pinggang meh)

satu hari, loket kesayangan si parsi jatuh dekat lorong sam pah tong ni. (oh rumah si parsi ni dekat atas lorong ni je) sebab dia sayang sgt dengan loket ni maka tanpa berfikir panjang lagi tentang keselamatan hatta nyawa nya si parsi ni pon turun dekat lorong ni nak cari loket. namun malang memang sunnguh tak berbau bila si parsi ni kena bunuh. yeah, u heard me. she was assassinated!

maka satu perbicaraan pon diadakan utk mengadili pembunuhan ini. perbicaraan ni diadakan di Mahkamah Lorong. gagak yg telah menjadi saspek telah ditangkap dgn bantuan si anjing2 polis. hakim nya si kanggaroo (sorry sempat capture bontot je)

*turut wujud dalam gambar (amende tah BM aku ni): si lembu ape tah nama dia berasal dari Siam. kelakar gilaa lembu ni speaking Thai. si panda yang membantu hakim kangaroo,
n anjing2 polis. oh aku suka anjing yg plg kanan sekali tu. sebab err entah. teheehee

ahh..penat gila nak cerita. ni da bukan sinopsis da ni. hadudui. fail sungguh KOMSAS aku. tapi dalam perbicaraan ni dia nak tunjuk laa betapa tidak adil nya mahkamah sekarang ni yang penuh dgn saksi2 n bukti2 yang telah di bribe sehingga membuatkan mangsa yang tidak bersalah di hukmu. haa..begitu laa pendek cerita nya.

sebenarnya teater ni ada org rakam n post kt youtube, so sape2 nak tgk bole kat sini. nah aku dah bagi link dia sekali

tapi aku higly recommend korg supaya x tgk. kenapa? sebab tgk rakaman dgn life lain bai. sungguh xbest tgk kt youtube ni, video xcantik. muka pelakon2 yg penuh dgn mimik muka tu x nampak. n suara pon cam xdgr sangat. aaa..x best laa pendek kata nya.

yang penting aku sgt2 enjoyyyy teater ni. 5 over 5 ok aku bagi! best gilaa cara budak2 ni berlakon. every watak yang drg bawak tu mmg menjadi la. skrip dia sumpah lawak nak mati n banyaaaaak sgt2 message yang tersirat n perlian terhadap dunia zaman skrg ni. ohhh aku suka aku sukaaaa :)

ok bai2, nak pegi rumah kawan.

p/s: si panda dalam cerita ni sangat comel. even dia xcakap apa2 pon. :)

Sunday, August 7, 2011

can i get this boy?


i just randomly do blogwalking on my fren's blog when somehow i reached an unknown tumblr. and a word picture attracted me.
and what really caught my attention is the reply for those questions.

We boys don’t get butterflies, we get fireworks. We don’t have you on our mind 24/7, but we do have you on our hearts. Often, yes we wait for you to go online, sometimes simply even just being online makes our heart skip a beat, even if we don’t talk. Whenever you talk to us, our face forms that half-smile; it means we are happy but are trying our hardest to not show it, and fail at hiding it. We do miss you all the time; granted, we’d spend all our time with you if possible. We don’t think of the smallest things you say, we think of every word you say, panicking at every single word, trying to define what it really means, to read between the lines. But wait there’s more.

We would love you in a million ways. And once we start loving you there is no going back for us. No matter how hard we try we will always love a girl that has touched us. Us boys when in love will think of that girl first thing in the morning, and think of that girl last before we sleep at night. Whenever we see a couple, our thoughts immediately jump to that girl, and imagine that the couple was us. Every single detail about her is loved; the way she walks, talks, speaks. The sound of her voice. Her laughter. The sparkle in her eyes. Her shy smile. The way she dresses. That cute face she makes when she’s asleep. And the way she says our name that our hearts just explode with mirth, a simple act that no-one else can replicate.

A boy in love with a girl is no simple thing, though ladies stereotype us guys as simple. A man in love is not simple. No. He will be unpredictable. He will be persistent, stubborn, and given the circumstances, if it means carrying you from one side of the world to the other to win your heart, a man in love would. He will be a martyr, giving his all and asking for almost none. He will show you how to appreciate the beauty of the world in a thousand ways, and then he will tell you how much he appreciates your beauty in a million ways.

A man in love is no simple thing.

oh my oh my. bole tak nak laki camni? tolong laa muncul depan aku. tsk3. ok bye

p/s: gatal pulak aku time2 ramadan camni. ish3. baik baca quran weyy dari berangan putera turun dari kayangan. damn ni semua salah novel johanna lindsey yg mama bagi. selamat berpuasa semua :)