Sunday, August 28, 2011

the APDSA thingy


mula2 aku rasa memang malas gilaaaa nak cerita pasal APDSA. seronok nya pergi sana biar aku je yang simpan rasa tu. tapi bila fikir2 kan balik, apa motif utama aku sebenarnya waktu aku mula2 terdetik nak buat blog? yess, to record every pathway yang aku lalui sepanjang aku bergelar dental student, sebelum aku mula kerja n kahwin n have no more time for this *yoyo je xde masa. padahal ramai je dr aku ada personal blog. hihi* sebab tu URL blog ni "legendaryjourney" haha, hodoh betul nama URL. tapi biar laa, malas nak tukar yang lain. n nampak nya motif aku nak buat blog ni x tercapai langsung. entah mana pergi journey aku, yang penuh nya entry merepek2 je. hihi *yaa ampunnnn pak

lagipon, takat mana je laa kemampuan manusia nak ingat semua benda kan. so here I am, menulis post #tentangAPDSA

for those yang tak tahu any single thing apa itu APDSA, it is a shortform for Asia Pacific Dental Students Association. dah nama nya pon Asia pacific so negara negara yang terlibat adalah Malaysia (clap2) Indonesia,Taiwan, Hongkong, South Korea, Japan, Thailand (tuan rumah), Philippines, Singapore, Laos, Fiji, Australia, New Zealand n mane entah lagi. xtahu sbb negara yang lain hantar participants sikit sgt. negara yang paling byk hantar participants (aku rasa laa) Indonesia dengan Taiwan. sbb dalam each group tu, wajib ada paling kurang pon 3 org dari Indonesia and 3 org Taiwan. congress ni memang di adakan setiap tahun. yang aku pergi ni da kali ke-38 dah. ada sorg dr bg speech mlm opening ceremony tu, dia siap jumpa jodoh lagi time APDSA. aku xtau dia dari negara mana, tapi dia kahwin dgn participant dari Jepun. see the effect of this APDSA? *jangan harap laa aku nak jumpa jodoh dekat APDSA, aku rasa muslim yang pergi err x sampai 5% pon kot? (mengikut ratio yang aku buat ikut group, muslim xsampai 2% pon. lagi sedih tsk3) tapi if nak flirt2 bole laa :p *pangg

gambar selingan xde kena mengena dgn cerita APDSA. but i just loveeee this picture.
and i love every single faces in this photo because we're family <3

last year, my senior pergi APDSA dekat Japan, n bila tgk gambar2 drg post dkt facebook, i was like "waaa best nye best nye APDSA. i definitely MUST go to the next APDSA!"  
bila individu2 yang berkenaan tanya siapa yang berminat nak pergi APDSA Thailand, cepat2 bagi nama sebab kuota nak pergi Thailand ni limited. xmacam dulu2, siapa yang berduit nak pergi bole pergi. then drg kata my batch yang bole pergi 2 org aje!! so aku cepat2 bagi nama dulu without tanya permissions parents. tapi aku tau my parents mmg kasik pergi punya..hua2
*later they open up the quota 6org from my batch bole pergi

okay laa straight to the point, this is how APDSA Thailand went according to my story.


di pendekkan cerita..we arrived at Rama Gardens Hotel   around 12pm camtu.  first day xde ape sgt, just  opening ceremony which will held at 5.30pm. so we've plenty of time to unpacked things, menziarah bilik budak2 lain sambil bergosip, n sempat lagi tdo before bersiap2 utk opening ceremony.

cewek2 Thailand yg cun2 belaka. serius semua org Thailand cantik2, kurus2, putih2. jeles gilaa dong

APDSA! i just love their spirits in welcoming us

countries' flag that joined this APDSA congress

the grand ballroom entrance. 

ahh..mata x pandang camera. spoil2. the gemok one is me, with beautiful zara

amek gamba dgn perempuan cantik. *apesal semua orang tinggi2 ni??

aliff ikram. in the grand ballroom. ktrg sampai awal okayh. see meja kosong lagi. drg ni semua janji thailand je start 5.30. ciss

with my grupmate yg dtg awal. hehe. masa free ni ktrg kenal2 between each other. oh, drg sgt friendly! *aku posing menunjukkan double chin =.='

mc for that night. carl (my grupmate from south korea) says that this is longest opening ceremony he'd attend (yeahh..pretty much performances that night sampai xlarat nak tgk org menari2 dah. baik makan lagi best hihi)

satu-satu nya tarian yang aku suka! from all those traditional dancing..these dancers perform J-lo on the floor song. really enjoyed this :)

another traditional performance. seriously, lebih dari 5 performances kot malam tu =.='

paling pendek. duhh

beloved group 7. truly missing them..deadly~

me and Kevin (from Taiwan) i immediately like him at the first time we having conversation :)

group 7 members. introducing (back, from left) 
Alvin (Hong Kong)
Masa (Japan)
Adint (Indonesia)
Indri (Indonesia)
Melly (Indonesia)
Nunt (Thailand)
Best (Thailand) - my group leader :)
Tony (Taiwan)
Kevin (Taiwan)
Carl (South Korea)

(front, from left)
Peng (Malaysia)
Krista (Taiwan)
Christy (Indonesia)
Amalina (Malaysia)
Teru (Japan)

day 2, 3, and 4 next entry (kalau rajin)

till then.

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