*baca dari kiri ke kanan, atas ke bawah.
haha..aku rasa blog aku ni makin lama makin merepek. but this comic sounds cool and pretty right too. yeah.
sbb aku ni ada lah pengguna blogger dan bukannya tumblr, so aku akan describe gambau2 di atas mengikut wording aku.
how she sees herself : auwwww im the hottie babehh. i've dat celebrities look. owyeahh
how she's seen by blackberry users: euwww she is like a baby just playing with her first phone
how she's seen by android users: "apple....apple......apple.. har har har..apple" duhh she's obsesses with those apple thingy
how he sees himself: i am smarter than all those other stupid smartphone users. brilliant is me!!
how he's seen by Iphone users: euwhh what a dorky he is
how he's seen by blackberry users : look..he is just an unprofessional schlub trying to look smart
how he sees himself: I look like a professional lawyer and a busy business man. don't you dare to look down at me
how he's seen by Iphone users: urghh..what an old man-you-good-at-nothing-except-tiredness look you have
how he's seen by android users: waarghh...dinasourrrr!!! *ni aku xpaham. haha. android users please explain!
and this is how smartphone users see 2G users

haha..just joking. jgn ada sape2 terasa offended pulak okay. screw all those stupid smartphones and vote for Nokia and Sony E!! :p
okay bye2 all those egois smartphones users and timid 2G users :p
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ipad..ipad..har har har...ipad..har har
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